
If love would have been a piano piece, it would closely resemble Arcade Fire and Owen Pallet’s Photograph from the 2013 release movie ‘Her’. After watching the movie, I must have played the piece zillion number of times. The movie is about a guy who falls in love with an operating system (when are they actually releasing those? Need one!) and how unconditional love can be. It truly justifies the quote ‘Everything is fair in love and war’. Kudos to the entire team as the movie deserves a complete 5 *****.

The feeling ‘love’ is strangely beautiful. It’s incomparable to anything else on earth. Love is calm, love is sweet. It’s as relaxing as staring at the bright stars in a beautiful dark night. It’s as refreshing as the cold wind blowing through your face. It’s as promising as watching a fleet of birds fly together. It’s as mesmerizing as your favourite song. When in love, your heart starts sinking. The more it sinks; the more clarity you gain. You feel that there is so much more in life than you have ever imagined. You get a sense of purpose and meaning to life. The colour seems more vibrant and brighter. Time stops. Everything around you blurs out with that special someone and you feel that it’s just the two of you in this beautiful world.

Love is beyond logic, beyond reasoning, maybe that’s why it’s called blind. It just happens to you one fine day even without you realizing or trying too hard. Love is kind, it’s giving. It’s free from pros and cons. Love is irrational. Love is insane.  It’s random. It’s crazy. It’s beyond keeping counts. It’s a sedative. It’s those subtle moments in which you can live your entire life.  In love, even those wait seems worthwhile and anticipation beautiful.

Love is holding each other’s hand, walking for miles without getting tired, the cuddles and the kisses, the late night calls, the awwww and the ohhh and the :P and the :D. Love is freedom, trust and loyalty. Love is comforting. Love is peace. Love is the feeling of having won a lottery (the prize being getting to spend the rest of your life with the person you adore). Love is strength and positivity. Love is the only thing that’s gonna stay forever even when we are gone. Cheers to Love!!

There’s something magical in the word ‘I love you’ coz even after all these years, I get goose bumps when I say it!!


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