Arranged Marriage

This blog is dedicated to all the readers who are considering “ARRANGED” marriage as an option. I had no clue what the whole process was about until recently where I got some insights from a really close friend whom I am really thankful toJ.

I don’t know how many of us are aware of this, but the process of arranged marriage starts with the basics- ‘The Resume’. The prospective bride/ groom prepares their respective resume, which includes details like name, age, occupation, hobby and other additional details like name and designation of one’s grandfather and even chacha-chaci (who knows, u might be related to Dawood). It also includes some personal sensitive info like your Salary and your ‘Manglik’ status. The same is then mass circulated to the intended user.  One of my friends got a powerpoint resume from a prospective guy.  As soon as she opened the ppt, there was a thunderstorm and then appeared his name. Then, another thunderstorm and his age. The thunderstorm continued for like 15 times and lasted about 20 mins. After this event, no one dares to talk to her about any kind of ppt slides, not even her own boss!!
Arranged marriage is all about meeting a person you never had and deciding to spend the rest of the life with him/ her. It’s faster than buying a dress coz while buying a dress you take a lot of time on trials or even on taking some pics inside the trial room and sending it to ur frens for approval. I would say, buying a dress is more flexible coz they come with a return policy unlike arranged marriage (Sir, I want to exchange your son for his cousin brother who was not kept in display till the date of our wedding party. I think I look better with him than your son)

'Seeing the Girl’ is considered to be the most important event of all. Everything or nothing happens when a guy and his parents go to see the girl. For guys, it’s simple. All you need to do is - go and sit quietly in a corner sofa of the girl’s house with your parents (fiddling with the mobile is totally acceptable).  However, for girls, It’s not a simple job. They might need some practice before the so called “Big” event.  Things to practice includes- how to enter the room dramatically with a tea tray without tripping, how to look pretty and happy without giggling or showing too much teeth, how to hide the mole/ wrinkles/ patches and look something like a Cleopatra, how to talk without uttering a single word (you can use eyes and smiles) ……..and the list goes on and on.
In arranged marriage, people tend to care about significant and bigger things like ‘stars’, ‘Kundali’  or ‘gotra’ and not petty stuffs like character of a person, compatibility quotient or the likes and dislikes of the individuals. Marriage has to be calculated and theoretically proved ( by the distance of stars/ position of rahu and surya) and not based on silly intangible things like love.  Now, when I think about it, this kind of marriage is tougher than America’s next Top model coz one never knows what they are being judged at. People are rejected just because the ‘bride to be’ wears a specs or the mother of the groom did not attend school!! 

Hence, arranged marriage is all about marketing. The whole process may drive a person mad.  So, all you need to have is tons of patience to sell yourself. Once you are done with the process, it’s over (either the madness or life).


  1. Enjoyed reading it. U clearly did your homework. The fundamental idea behind arrange marriage it just seems to be that love comes second n with time after marriage. Compatibility of the groom and bride is based on the allignment of their stars rather than say their taste in music or food. Totally agree thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work.

  2. You totally put my words in for the next blog I was writing in :) Awesome read !! ARRANGE MARRIAGE IS LIKE A TRADE WHERE YOU ARE TO AGREE /DISAGREE TO THE RELATIONSHIP BY KNOWING HIM FOR A WHILE !!


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