Just a step away
There is a very interesting Italian proverb about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before God begging, "Dear god-please, please, please... make me win the lottery." This goes on for years. Finally god appears and says, "Dear son-please, please, please...buy a ticket."
I remember a few years back when I was single (and not to mention desperate) , the only thing I wanted was love. The old me would always pray 'God, I don't want anything from you (so typical) but true love'. However, every date would turn out into disappointment. I used to complain to my friends (who wanted to kill me every time I mentioned the word love and its synonyms) about the guys, the city I was in and even my office for the misfortune.
However, after a series of events and introspection, I realized that it was me who was making it impossible to find the one true love. I wanted true love - but had too many terms and conditions attached to it (just like those mutual funds advertisement where the terms are longer that the ad itself). I was pushing away good people in the name of nationality , religion, looks, name, length of the moustache etc. (what kinda name is Jhamak- I mean, who will even take a person named Jhamak seriously!).
When I met my hubby, I realized that we were completely different- our nationality, religion, culture (he does not even know how to do Namaste- his hands become all crooked when he tries to)etc. etc. However, he made me feel loved everyday. Feel special. Feel more happy and capable. Trust me, I would have missed out on my one true love if I would have focused on the those infinite irrelevant things that didn't even matter.(May be Jhamak will be the next CEO of Google, who knows!)
So, I say 'If you want something- make it possible. Get help by helping yourselves. Know what you want and act on it. Get your lottery ticket'
All of us want to have a healthy life- but how many of us check our eating habits
All of us want to have kids with morals and values - but how many of us dedicate our time and energy for our kids
All of us want to get a good salary and be promoted- but how many of us actually work and think about doing something outside the box
All of us want to have figures like Jennifer Lopez and Jason Statham - but how many of us actually devote time to work out
All of us want a perfect companion- but how many of us are looking for a wonderful soul and not a homemaker/ financial supporter
All of us want to make our dreams come true- but how many of us are actually working towards turning those dreams to reality
Aim high.
Be patient.
And most importantly work towards what you want. You are just a step away from winning your lottery!
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