Thought for the day
We are taught about environment and various environmental concerns since playschool. The first lesson on environment that we learn is ‘Don’t litter’. We all are well versed with the recent global issue, may it be climate change or biodiversity loss. There are various national/ international organization, government bodies, association of people working to address these environmental issues. However, as an individual, do we have a role to play to protect environment?
Any effort, small or big towards the environment is not wasted. Surprisingly, we can address most of the environmental concerns on a personal level. As the saying goes, ‘Little drops make the mighty ocean’, in the similar lines, if small concerns are addressed, the bigger challenges will itself be taken care of. Here are a few simple action that we can take to protect environment:
Stop the engine at the signal, car pool whenever possible, use public vehicles, cycle to work

Cars emit greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, which is the major cause of climate change and global warming. Every gallon of gas burned emits 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases into the atmosphere. As per a study, the average car uses up 600 gallons of gasoline per annum. Limiting usage of vehicles by 50% would mean 7200 pounds less air pollution, individually.
Switch off all lights and electronic equipment when vacating rooms

Turning off the lights on leaving a room can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 0.15 pounds per hour. Also, unplug all power adaptors, cell phone chargers when equipment is fully charged
Print only what is absolutely essential, use recycled paper

Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution. The best initiative would be to go electronic. Use emails and drop-box. Share folders and not papers.
Turn the tap off when brushing or washing

Just by turning off the tap while brush teeth, one can save up to 8 gallons of water. That adds up to more than 200 gallons a month, enough to fill a huge fish tank that holds 6 small sharks!
Reduce usage of plastic

Before you buy that plastic bottled drink or take a plastic bag, pause and think. The main problem with plastic is that it doesn't biodegrade (it photodegrades). 86% of the ocean debris is plastic. Over 1,000,000 seabirds and marine mammals die each year from plastic ingestion of entanglement. “The world population (is) eating fish that have eaten other fish, which have eaten toxin-saturated plastics. In essence, humans are eating their own waste.” (Dixit Renee Brown, WiredPress).
Sounds are wonderful, but not all- No honking please!!

Noise pollution can result to Physical Effects (hearing loss, digestive disorders, birth defects, cancer, heart disease, fatigue, headaches, asthma, hypertension, insomnia, sexual dysfunction); Psychological Effects (depression, anger, aggression, anxiety, increased violence, alcohol and drug use, fatigue, increase in suicide) and Communicative Effects (decreased learning capacity, memory loss). Also, honking is one of the major causes of road rage.
Plant trees. Get plants in your workspace and home (outdoors/indoors)

Trees have been shown to assist with the removal of carbon dioxide (through photosynthesis) from the atmosphere and store it in the trunk, leaves, roots and soil. Trees produce oxygen. One mature tree produces enough oxygen for 10 people to inhale in a year. Furthermore it helps to reduce soil erosion, helps with water conservation, increases biodiversity and provides habitat for wildlife.
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