Your heart starts pounding (@ 200-240 and its audible to everyone
around you); time stops (Stephen Hawking would agree!!); everything around you
starts to blur (complete disorientation of your focal point); you can’t utter a
single word (all you can say is ummm….ahhhh..soooo..) and you sweat profusely (this is the time when
you actually need a deo!). These are the typical symptoms of a sudden encounter with your Ex; whom you have been trying to avoid confrontation ever since you
broke up.
The first thing you notice is the looks. If he/she looks
like garbage; you feel like ‘Beowulf!!’- chest out, a calm smile on your face
and a huge sense of achievement. You actually feel good that you are no longer
together..the garbage look is an assurance to all the doubts and conflicts you
had on your mind while breaking up; a feeling of buying a ‘Certified’ second
hand car. The second case scenario is when the person has transfigured from
Eddy Murphy to Will Smith or from ugly Betty to the actual Betty. You start
hearing different voices in your head. ‘Do you mean to tell me that I was the
one sucking the youth out of you when we were in a relationship?’; ‘I know your
motives.. you will now date the hottest guy/girl and take revenge, won’t u?’; ‘Run,
before he sees you!! You don’t want to look like someone from a DISTRICT,
selected to participate in the hunger games. (Yes, before the makeover!!)’
If you are not able to relate to any of the symptoms
mentioned above, chances are that you fall under the second category (People at 1st:2nd Category::9:1) The only
symptom of the people in this category is ‘Being Normal’. When they bump into
their ex, they might say something like ‘How are you? Are you still carrying
your old number? We can chat in FB… haha…yes, u knw how much I like fbooking;
remember how possessive you used to get when someone used to add me!!!’ All
they do is have a normal chat; like normal people!!!! I bet, they must have
been injected with something like ‘No grudge with Ex Vaccine’.
Out of billions of people, why is there a need to be nice and friendly with someone whom you have broken up? Breaking up means you’ve stopped loving the other person or
found them incompatible. So, unless you are Buddha, why would you be happy/normal to meet someone whom you don’t
love or feel incompatible with?
Are the people in the second category, doing the
nicest things, absolutely normal opposed to the first category of people
doing the crazy things?
Are the people in the first
category, doing what most people do, actually normal compared to the people in the second category who are doing things which can be considered crazy in normal parlance?
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