Thought for the day

We are taught about environment and various environmental concerns since playschool. The first lesson on environment that we learn is ‘Don’t litter’. We all are well versed with the recent global issue, may it be climate change or biodiversity loss. There are various national/ international organization, government bodies, association of people working to address these environmental issues. However, as an individual, do we have a role to play to protect environment? Any effort, small or big towards the environment is not wasted. Surprisingly, we can address most of the environmental concerns on a personal level. As the saying goes, ‘Little drops make the mighty ocean’, in the similar lines, if small concerns are addressed, the bigger challenges will itself be taken care of. Here are a few simple action that we can take to protect environment: Stop the engine at the signal, car pool whenever possible, use public vehicles, cycle to work Cars emit greenhouse gasses, such...