
Showing posts from November, 2013

The joy of being Single

Statutory Warning: This blog deals with sensitive subject matter. Not recommended to people who are already contemplating their ‘non-single’ status. (We don’t want u to be depressed) Situation:  Your partner is coming to see you Non-single: I need to take a shower/ wax/ shave/change clothes, bed-sheets and every visible thing/ be presentable/ hide personal belongings/ delete messages and call logs/ erase history from the system/ sign out from my mail account/ put the baywatch poster aside and hang his/her picture etc..etc...etc...    Single: This situation is hypothetical!! I am good!!! Situation:  It’s 11 pm Non-single: OMG, it’s already 11 and I haven’t even called her!!! I will just call coz I love my life and don’t wanna die!!  (This activity is mandatory and has to last till the very last second the individual falls asleep) Single: Oh, it’s 11…. I will talk to someone (whom I actually like)/ read/ watch TV/ sleep/ blog/ do my manicure/ stalk some