Advocating a five day workweek
The standard working hours for each country is regulated by laws. The weekly working hours of most of the countries in the world is about 40-48 hours; beyond which overtime payment is made for the excess hours worked. Standard weekly working hours in France is 35hours (lucky French!!) and 112 hours in North Korea (Damn you, King Jong!) Some companies follow a weekly 5 working day regime whilst others follow 6. In most Western countries, the working days are Monday to Friday. Muslim countries generally have a Friday–Saturday weekend. The Labour Act of Nepal sets the maximum no. of working hours as 48 hours a week however, the time of commencement of working hours and number of days has been left open for the companies to decide. Similar is the case with India. I recently watched a video ‘ A week in the life of a Tokyo salary man’ h ttps:// . The fact that so many people lead such a life was just horrifying! There are so many cases of he...